Thursday 19 June 2014

The Agro Tech Park Brunei

One of the latest public attractions of brunei is the Agro Tech Park located in rimba. Eversince its opening recently, the Bruneians have not stopped coming and spend their time with families and friends, whether its for jogging or just sight seeing, this place never seems to bore them down.

And that colorful entrance.. I would come again for sure!

The Brunei National Flower

Who knows about the Brunei Flag?

yellow with two diagonal bands of white (top, almost double width) and black starting from the upper hoist side; the national emblem in red is superimposed at the center; yellow is the color of royalty and symbolizes the sultanate; the white and black bands denote Brunei's chief ministers; the emblem includes five main components: a swallow-tailed flag, the royal umbrella representing the monarchy, the wings of four feathers symbolizing justice, tranquility, prosperity, and peace, the two upraised hands signifying the government's pledge to preserve and promote the welfare of the people, and the crescent moon denoting Islam, the state religion; the state motto "Always render service with God's guidance" appears in yellow Arabic script on the crescent; a ribbon below the crescent reads "Brunei, the Abode of Peace"

Images of how Brunei used to be


It was all black and white..

SOAS Mosque

Another Video shared about Brunei Traditional Music

Happy Brunei Video went Viral~

Makanan tradisi Brunei

When you think about Hi Tea, the Bruneians usually go for something traditional. Here is the four favourite Bruneian Cuisines of all time~

Check it out!

Kueh Cincin


Kueh Sapit

Kueh Baulu

Till then. Bye